
THC regulations in Europe from 2023

All you need to know about new THC regulations in EU from 01/2023

From 1st of January 2023 there will finally be regulations in Europe concerning Δ9-THC limits in food grade hemp products. Up to now, there have only been guidance’s. Guidance’s of course as you know, can be taken into consideration and interpret as it is fit for anyone. From 1st of January 2023 the new regulations concerning…

Taking care of wildlife

Taking care of wildlife

Christmas is the time of giving.  As it’s custom to exchange small gifts, have a snack table or a feast at the office before Christmas, we decided to do something different this year. As everyone are stuffing their bellies with different delicious meals, we decided to do something for the less fortunate.  In the last…

Naturland certification

Naturland certified hemp seeds

Estonia is known for being the 2nd biggest hemp grower in Europe. Nordic Hemp Cooperation, is located in Estonia and has the largest hemp seed de-hulling factory in all of Europe. Notably, we are certified under ISO 22000 and the Organic Label. Adding to this list, we would like to mention our most recent certification,…

Hemp in South-Korea

Nordic Hemp in South-Korea

Nordic Hemp Cooperation in South-Korea. Estonian food and beverage companies visited South-Korea to explore the business opportunities of the Korean market. It was the second business delegation from Estonia organized by EAS – Enterprise Estonia.  There were more than 40 B2B meetings between Estonian and Korean companies, followed by seminars and visits to the Coex Food…