Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Nordic Hemp Cooperation is now a member of Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Estonian Organic Protein Cooperation is now a member of Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI) is the oldest and largest Estonian representative organization of entrepreneurs. It was founded to represent and protect common interests of Estonian merchants, manufacturers, bankers, and ship-owners in the year 1925. Today, the ECCI with over 3,600 members is the largest business representation organization in the country.

ECCI mission

The mission of the ECCI is to develop entrepreneurship in Estonia through business services and playing an active role in designing economic policy.

ECCI is members of the BCCA (Baltic Sea Chambers of Commerce Association) and Eurochambers.

The Chamber joins more than 3600 active Estonian companies.

Why join?

Joining the Chamber of Commerce and Industry can be a smart decision for businesses, and organizations looking to grow their networks, expand their knowledge, and increase their visibility within their local community.

First and foremost, it is a valuable networking platform that can connect members to other business owners, professionals, and community leaders. By attending chamber events and participating in committees and task forces, members can forge meaningful relationships and gain access to valuable resources and business opportunities. These connections can lead to new partnerships, collaborations, and referrals, ultimately helping to grow a member’s business or organization.

In addition to networking, Chambers of Commerce and Industry offer a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Many chambers provide educational programs, workshops, and seminars that cover a variety of topics, such as marketing, finance, and legal issues. Members can learn from industry experts and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in their field.

Another benefit of joining is the increased visibility and credibility that comes with membership. Chambers often provide members with a range of marketing and promotional opportunities, such as advertising in the chamber directory or sponsoring events. By leveraging the chamber’s brand and reputation, members can enhance their own visibility and credibility within the local community.


In summary, joining a chamber of commerce can be an excellent way to expand your network, gain knowledge, increase visibility and credibility, and benefit from advocacy efforts. It’s a smart investment for businesses, and organizations looking to grow and succeed in their local community.

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